Aiming to offer expanded facilities to the VAST Platform’s users, the project’s technical experts keep working on continuous updates of the Digital Platform.


On 27 October 2022, VAST Project announced a new version of the annotation tool, which now supports audio/video file uploading. From now on, all modalities (text, image, audio, video) are supported, while the audio/video files can be played & annotated from inside the tool.

The supported types per modality are the following:
Text:        “text/plain, “text/xml,”
Image:   “image/jpeg,” “image/png,” “image/gif,” “image/tiff,” “image/webp,” “image/svg+xml.”
Audio:    “audio/mpeg”, “audio/ogg”, “audio/x-wav”, “audio/mp4”
Video:    “video/mp4”, “video/webm”, “video/ogg”,
Through this announcement, VAST Project was delighted to contribute to the Unesco Worlddayforaudiovisualheritage, celebrated annually on 27 October.

Direct link to the newly updated annotation Platform: