VAST Project holds plenary meeting and workshops in Lisbon, PT
Having reached the first half of it’s lifetime, VAST project partners met physically for the first time in Lisbon between 14-15 July 2022 at partner NOVA University premises to hold the project’s 16th plenary meeting.
During the first day, the meeting reviewed the project’s progress until month 18 regarding the evaluation of the implemented pilot activities and the project’s objectives. Partners also discussed an updated version of the VAST Digital Platform development, the progress of annotation process and the Ontology’s design. On the same day the partners reviewed issues regarding the present of values, the content collected from all the implemented activities of the three pilots, and how this content could be exploited.

During the plenary several workshops took place, including the digital platform’s user requirements, user flows, necessary tools & content, the design of the VAST Ontology, and the tools used for the design of questionnaires in the VAST platform. Moreover, partners discussed an updated view of the dissemination and communication activities plan and the project’s business plan. The plenary closed with a discussion on the topic “Values and Museums” and the overall coordination and management of the project.

Not all of it was work though! Partners enjoyed NOVA’s hospitality in the beautiful city of Lisbon enjoying a night out at a city restaurant listening to famous Fado music.